डिस्कवर, जानें, विसर्जित करें, कनेक्ट करें
इलाहाबाद संग्रहालय
The library of the Allahabad Museum is one of the largest bibliographic resources in northern India for books on Indian art and archaeology. The library acquires every year notable and well-established journals like Antiquity, Man and Environment and Purattatva. The library has been undertaking complete e-cataloguing of all the books in the collection. To this end, the soul software has been installed and two interns are working in the newly established section. The museum library is a reference library where scholars, students and other literary persons come and read the library books as and when required. In this library more than 30 thousand books on religion, history, archaeology, culture, art and Sanskrit and other allied books, encyclopedias, journals, rare books etc. are available.