डिस्कवर, जानें, विसर्जित करें, कनेक्ट करें
केन्द्रीय उच्च तिब्बती शिक्षा संस्थान
Records Available In: Tibetan, Sanskrit, Hindi, English
The Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Deemed University) is a specialized higher education institute in the field of Tibetan Buddhist studies. It was established in the year 1967 as an outcome of a dialogue between the first Prime minister of India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and H.H. the XIV Dalai Lama with a view to preserve Tibetan culture and tradition.
The Central Library of the institute is named after a great Indian Buddhist scholar Acharya Shantarakshita of the ancient Nalanda university, who visited Tibet during the 8th century for the cause of dharma. Shantarakshita Library is a unique information resource center for scholars of Tibetan and Buddhist studies.
The library has a special collection of Buddhist canonical works in the Tibetan language translated from Sanskrit and other Indian languages. The contents of Buddhist manuscripts in Sanskrit and Tibetan languages are preserved in different forms and formats such as printed, xylographs, digital and micro forms in this library.
At present the library holds approximately 1,20,215 printed books, xylographs and bound volumes of academic journals, 27,000 digital documents and 8484 titles of microfiches and films. The library is well equipped with the latest ICT infrastructure thus providing library services based on the multilingual bibliographical database of the library collections.
Multilingual catalogue (Web-OPAC) of the library is linked with the website (www.cuts.ac.in) of the institute.