डिस्कवर, जानें, विसर्जित करें, कनेक्ट करें
केन्द्रीय उल्लेख पुस्तकालय
Records Available In: 14 languages of India including English
The Central Reference Library, Kolkata is the National Bibliographic Agency of the country. It works as a subordinate office of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. This library is administered by a librarian who is also the general editor of its publications. The primary objective of this institution is to compile and publish the Indian National Bibliography, an authoritative record of books published in 14 different languages of India including English, based on the books received at the National Library under the Delivery of Books Act, 1954. It also compiles language bibliographies in Indian languages and gets it published in collaboration with the respective State Governments. CRL is not a library where books are stored and made available for readers. It is basically a publication unit of the Indian National Bibliography.