डिस्कवर, जानें, विसर्जित करें, कनेक्ट करें
केंद्रीय सचिवालय पुस्तकालय
Records Available In: Hindi and English
Central Secretariat Library (CSL), Ministry of Culture (MoC) is one of the largest government libraries in the country. Indian and foreign official documents are a valuable part of its core collection. CSL’s resources are an amalgamation of a number of libraries of pre-independent India and many other old institutions such as Imperial Secretariat Library. It performs the function of a secretariat library with its collection of government reports and gazettes. Central Secretariat Library mainly caters to the needs of all the ministries/ departments of the Government of India. Non-official users such as research scholars, academicians, students and others can also become a member of this library. As of date, the total collection of the library is 8.13 lakh documents which include books, government publications, reports and gazettes.