डिस्कवर, जानें, विसर्जित करें, कनेक्ट करें
राजा राम मोहन राय लाइब्रेरी फाउंडेशन
Records Available In: English, Hindi, Bengali
RRRLF is a Central Autonomous Organization established and fully financed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. RRRLF is registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. It is the nodal organization of the Government of India to support public library services and systems and promote public library movement in the country commensurate with the objectives as embodied in its Memorandum of Association. The supreme policy-making body of RRRLF is called the Foundation. It consists of 22 members nominated by the Government of India from amongst eminent educationists, librarians, administrators and senior officials. The Minister of the Department of Culture, Government of India or his nominee is the Chairman of RRRLF. Shri Brij Kishore Sharma is the present Chairman of RRRLF and the Director-General is the executive head and ex-officio Member-Secretary of the Foundation.