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Actions taken to deal with the leaders of the Passive Resistance (Satyagraha), Rowlatt Bill.Poll.-May-455-472-Part A (page 1-3)

  • Issue Date :May 1919
  • Publisher :National Archives of India
  • Description :A telegram from the Governor of Bombay to the Viceroy highlighting Gandhi’s plan to conduct Satyagraha.
  • Type :Correspondence
  • Received From :National Archives of India
DC Field Value 01.03.2019 01.03.2019 May 1919
dc.description.abstract A telegram from the Governor of Bombay to the Viceroy highlighting Gandhi’s plan to conduct Satyagraha.
dc.description.sponsorship Home.NAI
dc.format.extent 6,13,798 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher National Archives of India
dc.relation.ispartofseries Home Department, 455-472,1919
dc.type Correspondence


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