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                                                            PRIVACY POLICY

What information does “NVLI” collect?

You are required to register at the NVLI website. We provide options for you to upload and manage your personal information. “Users” should ensure that they take all due precautions to guard their privacy and security. We may ask you for personal information such as name, affiliation, designation, phone number, email address, correspondence address, etc. to be stored with your account.
During your visits to our “Site”, we may use software tools such as JavaScript and server side ‘cookies’ to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page. We may collect your device information, location information through systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and other sensors, may store the information on local storage devices using mechanisms such as browser web storage and application data caches; related to update of any service provided on the “Site”.
We may record the information about downloads and your pattern of access to our “Site”. We may record the discussion on online or offline fora, if any. During online and offline discussions if any, you may share some information voluntarily. “NVLI” is unable to control any use of such information. NVLI is not responsible for any data or information not stored on our servers.
If at any time you believe the principles referred to in this privacy policy statement have not been followed, or have any other comments on these principles, please notify us through the “Contact Us” page.  

How does NVLI review the personal information?

NVLI reviews the personal information that you share with us. In some cases, we may request you to share government authorized proof of identity or records and we may verify the same. If we find any discrepancies in the information you shared and the information we verify, we may automatically deregister you without informing.  

How does “NVLI” use the information collected?

We may use the information for research and academic purposes to develop new technologies to provide better service to our “Users”.
NVLI will use this information to inform you about any changes that we may make on the “Site”, any relevant cultural activity which may be of your interest. NVLI will communicate with you to collect any information or to send any such communication only if it is permitted by law and you have not otherwise opted-out of receiving them.
We will not collect or identify or use, by any means, sensitive information such as financial details, race, religion, sexual orientation or health, and thus are not responsible for any such information usage.
For any online payments involved if any, we may tie up with third parties. In that case, the “User” will be governed by the third-party privacy policy. NVLI is not responsible for any issues which may arise in such transactions.
“Site” administrator and support system can access your account for administration purposes if required, to change your account settings, password, suspend your account and like. Your personal and related information will be accessed only by concerned “NVLI” employees, and authorized administrative staff. Please note that this information is available to only limited concerned staff.
The contact and other relevant information you share, may be used to protect the rights, property, and safety of “NVLI”, our “Users” and other Stakeholders.

How does NVLI share the information collected?

We may share personal information at an aggregated level for academic and research purposes such as data analysis, statistical analysis, annual reports and like, on conditions of anonymity; with the funding agency, Ministry of Culture (MoC). 
If we believe it is necessary to disclose personal information about you to third parties in case of any legal activity like compliance of any policy, rules & regulations, funding agency request, government request, court actions, writ, summons, warrants, any legal proceedings then to abide by such requirements, we may disclose your personal information.
We follow security practices and procedures to protect your personal information. In their own interest, “Users” are required to maintain the confidentiality of their login ID and password, and not share it with others. “Users” are requested to follow the guidelines if any provided by NVLI, secured login and log out processes, changing password every three months if necessary. We suggest that if you feel any problem related to data security kindly inform NVLI immediately.
We value our “Users” and take due care considering the information security. We restrict any unauthorized access to our “Site”.
NVLI offers choices to manage the “Users” account. “Users” of the “Site” can control and review the data of their personal account, the history of their account, data display including the name and other information.

Dispute resolution

NVLI is committed to resolving complaints, if any, as early as possible through our self-regulatory systems, but if in any case we are not able to resolve any complaint related to personal data or privacy of the “Users”, it will be referred to the local competent data protection authority, for resolution.


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