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Desire of Birjis Kudr, son of ex-king of Oudh and BegumHuzrat Mahal to repair to British India for the purpose of arranging marriages or his children

  • Author :Officiating Resident, Nepal
  • Issue Date :1877
  • Publisher :National Archives of India
  • Description :Letter from the Officiating Resident in Nepal that Begum Hazrat Mahal wishes to come back to India and that no allowance will be given to her by the British Government.
  • Type :Correspondence
  • Received From :National Archives of India
DC Field Value Officiating Resident, Nepal 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 1877
dc.description.abstract Letter from the Officiating Resident in Nepal that Begum Hazrat Mahal wishes to come back to India and that no allowance will be given to her by the British Government.
dc.description.sponsorship Foreign.NAI
dc.format.extent 23,99,674 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher National Archives of India
dc.relation.ispartofseries Foreign Department, 359-362, 1877
dc.type Correspondence


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