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Geneological tree of Travancore and Cochin Royal Families

  • Issue Date :1895
  • Publisher :National Archives of India
  • Description :Geneological tree of the State of Travancore indicating adoption as a common phenomenon among the Royal Family of Travancore.
  • Type :Correspondence
  • Received From :National Archives of India
DC Field Value 08.08.2019 08.08.2019 1895
dc.description.abstract Geneological tree of the State of Travancore indicating adoption as a common phenomenon among the Royal Family of Travancore.
dc.description.sponsorship Madras State Agency.NAI
dc.format.extent 40,84,420 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher National Archives of India
dc.relation.ispartofseries Madras State Agency, 214, 1895
dc.type Correspondence


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