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  • CR_000002286462_TIT_01.jpg
  • CR_000002286462_TIT_01.jpg.jpg

Khandesh Size 210cm x 189.5cm , actual areas, 10 sheets pasted together and then sectioned into 8 sections ; latitudes 21 N to 25 N and longitudes 73 E to 77 15 'E marked and numbered ; hand -drawn in ink and sparsely coloured ; some boundaries ribbon- coloured and some areas tinted ; a few place-names written in rough hand; rivers coloured grey; towns shown in rectangular shapes in red; releif shown by tint and rough spray of grey and at some places vertical hechures with brush,also of grey; routes shown in single lines of burnt sienna ; scale deduced by comparison. This map is a 'Rough Original draft. Sheets contain four watermarks : (1) J WHATMAN TURKEY MILLS 1818 (2)'Bend' with 'Monograme' and I ring 1808 and 'Fleur-de-Lis ' and (4) J WHATMAN 1817.

  • Type Of Document: Digitized Document
  • Department :Survey Of India
  • Date Uploaded (YYYY-MM-DD :2018-01-06
  • Place :Khandesh
  • Series :Cartographic Notes
  • Organization :National Archives of India
  • Identifier :CR_000002286462
  • File No :1801-20-7
  • Scale :210cm x 189.5cm
  • File Size :2.9
  • Pages :1
  • Collections :Digitized Cartographic Records


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