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Question and answer in Parliament regarding the number of Indian prisoners convicted of "political crimes" now in the Andamans

  • Issue Date :1933
  • Publisher :National Archives of India
  • Description :A letter to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State for India, Public and Judicial Department providing information on the hundred and fourteen political prisoners jailed in the Cellular Jail in 1933.
  • Type :Correspondence
  • Received From :National Archives of India
DC Field Value 28.06.2019 28.06.2019 1933
dc.description.abstract A letter to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State for India, Public and Judicial Department providing information on the hundred and fourteen political prisoners jailed in the Cellular Jail in 1933.
dc.description.sponsorship Home.NAI
dc.format.extent 18,59,73,324 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher National Archives of India
dc.relation.ispartofseries Home Department, F 11/1/33, 1933
dc.type Correspondence


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