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Chitra pata sangeet

  • Author :Ranade, Ashok D.
  • Keywords :Motion picture music
    Film music
  • Issue Date :2007
  • Publisher :Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
  • Description :To judge cinema, music it is necessary to go out of the immediate frame of reference. The living cinematic experience is to be linked to abstract philosophical notions a swellas to preceding avatars that had the same or similar sensory packaging, leading to perhaps similar audio-visual experiences. India certainly enjoyed this luxury in its long cultural march. The larger framework of human audio-visual experience. Relevant cultural practices in India, and finally the specific phenomenon of Indian cinematic music therefore demand a connected examination. Going through this paper examined the some points to describe it briefly.
  • Source :Sangeet Natak Akademi
  • Type :Article
  • Received From :Sangeet Natak Akademi
DC Field Value Ranade, Ashok D.
dc.coverage.spatial India 2017-07-14T01:01:50Z 2017-07-14T01:01:50Z 2007
dc.description.abstract To judge cinema, music it is necessary to go out of the immediate frame of reference. The living cinematic experience is to be linked to abstract philosophical notions a swellas to preceding avatars that had the same or similar sensory packaging, leading to perhaps similar audio-visual experiences. India certainly enjoyed this luxury in its long cultural march. The larger framework of human audio-visual experience. Relevant cultural practices in India, and finally the specific phenomenon of Indian cinematic music therefore demand a connected examination. Going through this paper examined the some points to describe it briefly.
dc.source Sangeet Natak Akademi
dc.format.extent 29-40 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
dc.subject Motion picture music
Film music
dc.type Article
dc.identifier.issuenumber 1
dc.identifier.volumenumber 41
dc.format.medium text


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