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A translation of Seir mutaqherin: views of modern times: being an history of India, from the year 1118, to the year 1194, of the hedjrah

  • Author :Khan, Seid Gholam Hossein
  • Publisher :R. Cambray, Calcutta
  • Description :containing in general, the reigns of the seven last emperors of Hindostan, and in particular, an account of the English wars in Bengal to which the author has added critical examination of the English government and policy in those countries, down to the year 1783
  • Source :National Library of India, Kolkata
  • Type :E-Book
  • Received From :National Library of India
DC Field Value Khan, Seid Gholam Hossein 2020-07-09T10:17:46Z 2020-07-09T10:17:46Z
dc.description containing in general, the reigns of the seven last emperors of Hindostan, and in particular, an account of the English wars in Bengal to which the author has added critical examination of the English government and policy in those countries, down to the year 1783
dc.source National Library of India, Kolkata
dc.format.extent 36 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher R. Cambray, Calcutta
dc.type E-Book
dc.format.medium text


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