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  • Description :Machete is a kind of heavy knife used as a weapon and is called Banpok in Lepcha. Banpok is usually a feet long heavy iron blade with a short wooden handle and is handy in daily use. Lepchas have a close affinity to a banpok therefore a Lepcha village-folk always have a banpok worn on the waist as a part of their attire.

    Either in wood or in bamboo a frame is usually made to put the banpok inside it while wearing it, the front of the case is only encased with little piece of wood at the top and the bottom, while most of the iron blade is quite visible from the case.

    Bampok is very popular and handy weapon and is used for chopping, these banpoks are never adorned with any designs.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Weapon
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T15:45:07Z 2019-10-31T15:45:07Z
dc.description Machete is a kind of heavy knife used as a weapon and is called Banpok in Lepcha. Banpok is usually a feet long heavy iron blade with a short wooden handle and is handy in daily use. Lepchas have a close affinity to a banpok therefore a Lepcha village-folk always have a banpok worn on the waist as a part of their attire.

Either in wood or in bamboo a frame is usually made to put the banpok inside it while wearing it, the front of the case is only encased with little piece of wood at the top and the bottom, while most of the iron blade is quite visible from the case.

Bampok is very popular and handy weapon and is used for chopping, these banpoks are never adorned with any designs.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Weapon
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material iron


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