Description :Trench: ZA 9, LXB-D= 4.87 mts X 3.32 mts - 0.29 mts at B1, Stratum: layer 4
This is a bead made of sea-shell. It is circular in shape. And it has a hole through it to pass the thread or wire. There is a crack mark on its surface. Appearance is of cream in color. It is an ornament.
Source :Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh
Type :Ornaments
Received From :National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities
DC Field
Village: Sanghol (East Punjab)
Trench: ZA 9, LXB-D= 4.87 mts X 3.32 mts - 0.29 mts at B1, Stratum: layer 4
This is a bead made of sea-shell. It is circular in shape. And it has a hole through it to pass the thread or wire. There is a crack mark on its surface. Appearance is of cream in color. It is an ornament.