Description :Trench: ZB1, Qdt-2, LxB-D= 6.54 mtrs x 5 mtrs - 2.56 mtrs at peg B, Stratum: Layer 7
This is a bead small in size, irregular in shape and made of carnellian. There is a hole through it. The surface of the bead is shining and smooth and colour of the stone is orange. Deposition of dust and dirt.
Source :Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of punjab, Chandigarh
Type :Ornaments
Received From :National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities
DC Field
Village: Sanghol (East Punjab)
Trench: ZB1, Qdt-2, LxB-D= 6.54 mtrs x 5 mtrs - 2.56 mtrs at peg B, Stratum: Layer 7
This is a bead small in size, irregular in shape and made of carnellian. There is a hole through it. The surface of the bead is shining and smooth and colour of the stone is orange. Deposition of dust and dirt.