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  • Description :The provenance of this house hold utensil may not be of Tibetan origin but has some of the Nepalese attribute. The body is round and Tapers slightly at the top and the bottom. Some of the parts like the top lid handle and the opening of the spout is decorated with a silver sheet. The subjects of the designs are lotuses, creepers and dental motifs. These decorated silver sheets are fixed with the copper by inserting pins, interestingly a brass ring is kept loose at the tip and a semiprecious stone is placed at the opening of the spout.

    There is no sign of Kettle being used in fire; this vessel must have been a water reservoir or an item of show piece in an elite family.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Utensil
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Nepal 2019-10-31T15:22:46Z 2019-10-31T15:22:46Z
dc.description The provenance of this house hold utensil may not be of Tibetan origin but has some of the Nepalese attribute. The body is round and Tapers slightly at the top and the bottom. Some of the parts like the top lid handle and the opening of the spout is decorated with a silver sheet. The subjects of the designs are lotuses, creepers and dental motifs. These decorated silver sheets are fixed with the copper by inserting pins, interestingly a brass ring is kept loose at the tip and a semiprecious stone is placed at the opening of the spout.

There is no sign of Kettle being used in fire; this vessel must have been a water reservoir or an item of show piece in an elite family.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Utensil
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material silver


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