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  • GHA_U_DRE-PANG-1.jpg
  • GHA_U_DRE-PANG-2.jpg

Gha'u: dre-pang

  • Description :This torana shaped amulet box is made of usual beaten bronze and silver. Eight auspicious symbols among lotus rhizome is a full and vibrant interplay of light and shadow. Outside the small prabhatoranaor aura-shaped opening, two fierce dragons hold Norbu Goedoed Pungjom a wish fulfilling gem, which is a symbol of prosperity. At the top of the outer flank Norbu Goedeod Pungjom sum is again depicted from emerging the lotus and at the bottom kirtimukha(Tibetan-Chi-min-hdra) is depicted with a repose expression.

    This gau also has one powerful Lantsa inscription at its reverse side, the character is OM. The syllable OM is composed of the three sounds a-o-ma, a signifieskaya of Buddha, o signifies waka of Buddha and ma signifies chitta of Buddha and considered to be the greatest of all the mantras.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Ornament
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T14:58:30Z 2019-10-31T14:58:30Z
dc.description This torana shaped amulet box is made of usual beaten bronze and silver. Eight auspicious symbols among lotus rhizome is a full and vibrant interplay of light and shadow. Outside the small prabhatoranaor aura-shaped opening, two fierce dragons hold Norbu Goedoed Pungjom a wish fulfilling gem, which is a symbol of prosperity. At the top of the outer flank Norbu Goedeod Pungjom sum is again depicted from emerging the lotus and at the bottom kirtimukha(Tibetan-Chi-min-hdra) is depicted with a repose expression.

This gau also has one powerful Lantsa inscription at its reverse side, the character is OM. The syllable OM is composed of the three sounds a-o-ma, a signifieskaya of Buddha, o signifies waka of Buddha and ma signifies chitta of Buddha and considered to be the greatest of all the mantras.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Ornament
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material bronze


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