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Gha'u: Namchu wangden chen

  • Description :This particular Gha’u is fashioned in a traditional torana shape and is made of beaten bronze and silver with a detachable back. Quite apart from the designs of round and square shaped gha’u, this torana shaped Charm box has Namchu Wangden depicted upon it. The relief is beautifully embossed and frontally conceived in three flights of step. Upon the pedestal of inverted lotus, the ‘All-Powerful Ten’ interlocking syllabus of the kalachakra mantra OM HAM KSHA MA LAVA RA YA SVA HA has been engraved in the Lantsa Characters. NamchuWangden is flanked by vertical undulating creepers and the moon crest and sun, which is the symbolic representation of time and energetic force of life, is in the summit. The moon stands for method and sun knowledge, the union of which is the path of enlightenment.

    The two little holes in the right and left hand side of the Namchu Wangden suggest that there may have been two semi precious stones, which was lost in time.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Ornament
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T14:56:11Z 2019-10-31T14:56:11Z
dc.description This particular Gha’u is fashioned in a traditional torana shape and is made of beaten bronze and silver with a detachable back. Quite apart from the designs of round and square shaped gha’u, this torana shaped Charm box has Namchu Wangden depicted upon it. The relief is beautifully embossed and frontally conceived in three flights of step. Upon the pedestal of inverted lotus, the ‘All-Powerful Ten’ interlocking syllabus of the kalachakra mantra OM HAM KSHA MA LAVA RA YA SVA HA has been engraved in the Lantsa Characters. NamchuWangden is flanked by vertical undulating creepers and the moon crest and sun, which is the symbolic representation of time and energetic force of life, is in the summit. The moon stands for method and sun knowledge, the union of which is the path of enlightenment.

The two little holes in the right and left hand side of the Namchu Wangden suggest that there may have been two semi precious stones, which was lost in time.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Ornament
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material bronze


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