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  • Description :Long flat iron blade are called Pathang locally and are used for defence against enemies Pathang are also kept as a prized possession and adds to the ambience of the household.

    These swords are flat and boldly executed with rough hilt. Two swords are straight weapon with blunt tip, the other one is slightly bent in the middle with a sharp tip. Only one sword among the three has oval shape metal hand guard which demarcates the line of handle and the blade.

    One of these pathang is bearing a case made of leather which is enveloped with a decorated sheath.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Weapon
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T15:47:00Z 2019-10-31T15:47:00Z
dc.description Long flat iron blade are called Pathang locally and are used for defence against enemies Pathang are also kept as a prized possession and adds to the ambience of the household.

These swords are flat and boldly executed with rough hilt. Two swords are straight weapon with blunt tip, the other one is slightly bent in the middle with a sharp tip. Only one sword among the three has oval shape metal hand guard which demarcates the line of handle and the blade.

One of these pathang is bearing a case made of leather which is enveloped with a decorated sheath.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Weapon
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material iron


Color Switcher