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  • SOR-TING.jpg


  • Description :A single Tingshag made from bronze bell metal with a bone stick striker. This object is called sorting in Tibetan and is a ritual implement. Sorting is usually tolled during the funeral procession and also during the burning of the incense.

    The sorting give a harmoinic long single tone and is similar to that of Chinese gong (lo) or Mongolian gong (dudaram). Sometime Sortings are also categorized as singing bowls and tolling of this bell is believed to be auspicious.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Instrument
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T15:30:49Z 2019-10-31T15:30:49Z
dc.description A single Tingshag made from bronze bell metal with a bone stick striker. This object is called sorting in Tibetan and is a ritual implement. Sorting is usually tolled during the funeral procession and also during the burning of the incense.

The sorting give a harmoinic long single tone and is similar to that of Chinese gong (lo) or Mongolian gong (dudaram). Sometime Sortings are also categorized as singing bowls and tolling of this bell is believed to be auspicious.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Instrument
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material bronze


Color Switcher