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  • Description :Thakyag are a traditional Tibetan offering cup stand and are especially used when some ordained monks or Honorable guests comes to the house. Tea is served in Thak-ya as gesture of respect.

    Thak-yas are designed mostly in eight petalled circular flare which is supported by a shaft. The upper part of the Thak-ya is called khabjee which serves the purpose of cover which usually have three to four tiers receding to the top and finally mounted by a bead of either red or green colour. The Thak-ya with a red bead is meant for man and green for woman.

    Thak-ya are illustrated highly throughout its body, the motifs are bedecked beautifully in these silver utensils. Lotus creepers, repeating peony flowers, criss-cross and linear designs are the most persistent themes, animals and birds too are included among the NorbuChabden, Sernya, Bhumpa, Pema and Dhungkar.

    Some of the motifs in relief are also colored with pigments.
  • Source :Sikkim State Archives
  • Type :Utensil
  • Received From :Sikkim State Archives
DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Sikkim 2019-10-31T15:27:17Z 2019-10-31T15:27:17Z
dc.description Thakyag are a traditional Tibetan offering cup stand and are especially used when some ordained monks or Honorable guests comes to the house. Tea is served in Thak-ya as gesture of respect.

Thak-yas are designed mostly in eight petalled circular flare which is supported by a shaft. The upper part of the Thak-ya is called khabjee which serves the purpose of cover which usually have three to four tiers receding to the top and finally mounted by a bead of either red or green colour. The Thak-ya with a red bead is meant for man and green for woman.

Thak-ya are illustrated highly throughout its body, the motifs are bedecked beautifully in these silver utensils. Lotus creepers, repeating peony flowers, criss-cross and linear designs are the most persistent themes, animals and birds too are included among the NorbuChabden, Sernya, Bhumpa, Pema and Dhungkar.

Some of the motifs in relief are also colored with pigments.
dc.source Sikkim State Archives
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Utensil
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material silver


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