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The moving image and music in India

  • Author :Ranade, Ashok D.
  • Keywords :Motion pictures--India
  • Issue Date :1988
  • Publisher :Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
  • Description :The parent category of film music. i.e. popular music, is increasingly being understood as a legitimate socio-cultural product catering to definite and equally justifiable social needs. As a consequence. there is a greater appreciation of the need to evaluate the nature and role of film music not on the basis of aesthetic or musicological criteria alone. The protean personality of Indian film music is rightly seen as a case for fascinating cultural study. On this background it follows as a corollary that film music can be approached from the angle of cultural musicology. The discipline suggests that certain features of Indian culture cannot bur produce the film music it has, while some characteristics of Indian film music cannot but find its correlates in Indian culture. It is inevitable that such an approach employs a multiple-criteria method for appraising the concerned aspect as the Indian reality. What follows is therefore an exercise in analyzing a complex scene," inviting an inter disciplinary investigation into a phenomenon which has simultaneously aroused extreme responses.
  • Source :Sangeet Natak Akademi
  • Type :Article
  • Received From :Sangeet Natak Akademi
DC Field Value Ranade, Ashok D.
dc.coverage.spatial India 2017-07-09T21:44:25Z 2017-07-09T21:44:25Z 1988
dc.description.abstract The parent category of film music. i.e. popular music, is increasingly being understood as a legitimate socio-cultural product catering to definite and equally justifiable social needs. As a consequence. there is a greater appreciation of the need to evaluate the nature and role of film music not on the basis of aesthetic or musicological criteria alone. The protean personality of Indian film music is rightly seen as a case for fascinating cultural study. On this background it follows as a corollary that film music can be approached from the angle of cultural musicology. The discipline suggests that certain features of Indian culture cannot bur produce the film music it has, while some characteristics of Indian film music cannot but find its correlates in Indian culture. It is inevitable that such an approach employs a multiple-criteria method for appraising the concerned aspect as the Indian reality. What follows is therefore an exercise in analyzing a complex scene," inviting an inter disciplinary investigation into a phenomenon which has simultaneously aroused extreme responses.
dc.source Sangeet Natak Akademi
dc.format.extent 05-13 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
dc.subject Motion pictures--India
dc.type Article
dc.identifier.issuenumber 87
dc.format.medium text


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