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Birth of Buddha

Original Location: Nalanda, Bihar

Present Location: National Museum, New Delhi

Date: 9th Century CE

Period: Early Medieval

Material: Bronze

Objects: Sculpture

Style: Pala

Dimensions: H 20.0 x W 11.2 x D 5. 7 cm

Credits: National Museum, New Delhi

The scene depicts the Lumbinivana, symbolised by the branch of a tree, where Maya, wife of the Sakya chief Suddhodana, retired and delivered the child (Buddha). On the right, Maya is seen holding the branch of the sala tree with her right hand to take support. On her right is Indra, the thousand-eyed Lord of the Gods, identifiable by his conical cap, receiving the newborn child in his palms. Standing between them is the newly born baby, about to take the first seven steps. Dundubhi or the celestial drum with a palm on each side, to announce the birth of Buddha, can be seen above the branch.


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