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Original Location: Phophanar, Madhya Pradesh

Present Location: National Museum, New Delhi

Date: 5th-6th Century CE

Period: Ancient

Material: Bronze

Objects: Sculpture

Style: Gupta

Dimensions: H 51.0 x W 15.8 x D 14.1 cm

Credits: National Museum, New Delhi

This unusual Buddha from the Phophanar hoard shows a garment covering both the shoulders. The features of this image are well defined; the aquiline nose, pierced earlobes, smiling lips and the half-closed downcast eyes add to his benevolent expression. In common with other images from this hoard, he displays the same gestures of hand: the abhaya-mudra with the right, while the left-hand holds the edge of his garment. An inscription at the back reads: "Deyadharmoyam Sakyabhikshukacharya Bhadanta Buddhadasarya / Yadatra puf Yam tad bhavatu sarvasatvanam" i.e. gift of Bhadanta Buddhadasa, the preacher of the Sakyas.


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