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Domain:Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe



The video is a presentation on the ancient knowledge system of yoga. The video provides information on the history of yoga and the various health and spiritual benefits that can be obtained from the practice of yoga. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to join or to yoke. Hence the guiding principle of yoga is to unite, whether it be the individual to the Supreme or the body to the mind. The origin of yoga in India is traced to the pre-Vedic period. The various yogic motifs and figures that were discovered at the excavations of the Indus Valley Civilization point to the presence of yoga around 2700 BCE. Reference to yoga is made in the Vedic texts written between 1500 to 500 BCE. It was the sage Patanjali who codified the practice of yoga in the Yoga Sutras 2200 years ago.


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