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ঢেঁকির গান

Domain:Performing arts



The video is a presentation on the Dhenkir gaan of Bengal. In Bengal, among many communities, exists a tradition of work songs. Dhenkir gaan is a genre of work songs related to paddy husking. These songs are similar to marriage songs as they come from the same origin point. This intertwining of marriage and paddy husking comes from the practice of using rice after husking in the marriages. The very name of the songs comes from Narada or the Messenger of Gods who is referred to as Dhenki. He is called to witness the wedding ceremony and to deliver the marriage invitation to Devakula. The Dhenkir gaan is also traditionally sung during the festival of poush sankranti when pitha (rice cake) is made from rice. These songs are now disappearing as; firstly, the younger generations are not keen in learning these songs and secondly, machinery has overtaken most of the traditional work processes.


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