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মনসা যাত্রাপালা সুন্দরবন

Domain:Performing arts



The video titled Singing the Snake Goddess in the Sundarbans is a documentation of the Manasa Pala, a unique and enduring art form of the Sundarbans.The Manasa Pala is a play which is dedicated to Manasa, the Goddess of Snakes. To put up a Manasa Pala is very much a community effort as the entire village gets involved as performers and audience. The performers are not professional actors and are engaged in other occupations like fishing, hewing of earth, honey-gathering and wood-cutting. The very act of putting up the play based on the legend of Manasa, is treated as an invocation of the Goddess and as a prayer for the protection from venomous serpents and serpents of the island. All the roles are traditionally performed by males but now that is changing as female performers have started taking part in the play.


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