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Pearls from the deep

Domain:Performing arts



The video is a showcase on the folk music instruments of Odisha. The focus is on the musical instruments of the tribal groups of Odisha. There are around 62 tribal groups in Odisha and music forms an important part of their expression. The tribal communities have a rich fund of unique and rare musical instruments like the deka, garilo, tudunga and tamak all of which are made by bare hands. The film takes us to many tribal locations around Odisha like the Kandhamal district where a large section of Kondh tribesmen can be found. The kendara is a traditional folk instrument of the Kondhs. The Kutia branch of the Kondhs have a rich musical heritage and one of their traditional musical instruments is the garilauri. The film includes interviews with tribal musicians who offer a view of these rare and fast disappearing musical instruments.


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