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Bidesiya (Theatre form of Bihar)

Domain:Performing arts



Bidesiya is said to have originated from the village of Kutubpur, Uttar Pradesh. People who used to leave the village and go to the city were known as Bidesiyas. One such person was Bhikhari Thakur. He was a famous folk artist and a playwright. Thakur was illiterate but taught himself to read and memorize Ramcharitmanas written by Tulsidas whom he considered his literary guru. He was referred to as the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri. Thakur is known to have written twelve plays including Bidesia and numerous songs. Thakur, in his plays and songs, raised social issues concerning women, low-caste people and poor people living in villages. He also acted in his own plays and directed various productions of his time. This art form of Bidesiya belonged to the so-called lower caste of the Hindu Caste System. The essence of this art form is to throw light on the evils of society and hence less importance is given to the costumes. The most important roles in the performance are of Sootradhar (narrator) and Samaji (musicians). Bidesiya is a famous play that draws attention to the problem of migration and its consequences upon the women who are left behind


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