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  • Mohammad Yunus addressing the audience at  India International Trade Fair, New Delhi during the year 1983 Others also seen in this photograph

Mohammad Yunus addressing the audience at India International Trade Fair, New Delhi during the year 1983 Others also seen in this photograph

  • Keywords :Mohammad Yunus with others
  • Source :Smt. Lajwanti w/o Mohammad Yunus
  • Type :Photo Archives
  • Received From :Nehru Memorial Museum & Library
DC Field Value
dc.contributor Nehru Memorial Museum & Library
dc.coverage.spatial New Delhi
dc.source Smt. Lajwanti w/o Mohammad Yunus
dc.format.extent 8"X10"
dc.format.mimetype JPEG
dc.subject Mohammad Yunus with others
dc.type Photo Archives
dc.identifier.other MY-713 1983
dc.identifier.classnumber 03.2MY


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