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  • 13350.jpg

The Piano Lesson

  • Keywords :Piano Lesson
  • Publisher :National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology, Delhi
  • Description :The Piano Lesson by Henri Matisse. The painting depicts the living room of Henri Matisse's home in Issy-les-Moulineaux, with his elder son, Pierre, at the piano, the artist's sculpture Decorative Figure, at the bottom left, and, at upper right, his painting Woman on a High Stool.
  • Type :Painting
  • Received From :National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology
DC Field Value 2020-07-05T07:22:11Z 2020-07-05T07:22:11Z
dc.description The Piano Lesson by Henri Matisse. The painting depicts the living room of Henri Matisse's home in Issy-les-Moulineaux, with his elder son, Pierre, at the piano, the artist's sculpture Decorative Figure, at the bottom left, and, at upper right, his painting Woman on a High Stool.
dc.format.extent 1573 x 2394 pixels
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology, Delhi
dc.subject Piano Lesson
dc.type Painting
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 1335
dc.format.medium image


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