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The puppet theatre tradition of Karnataka

  • Author :Upadhyaya, K. S .
  • Keywords :Puppet theater
  • Issue Date :1990
  • Publisher :Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
  • Description :"
    Puppetry is one of the most ancient arts of the world. Puppetry was well known from of entertainment in India and China thousands of year ago, there are references to the art in the earliest writings of India including the Mahabharata. There is mention of a shadow-puppet play organized by a Han emperor in China in 121 B.C. This is the earliest evidence of the occurrence of puppetry in that country. There were four kinds of puppets in India-string puppets, rod puppets, leather puppets, and glove puppets. Karnataka had all four kinds of puppets. These four kinds in time evolved into seven different vanenes: string puppets, rod puppets, leather puppets (small-sized), leather puppets (large-sized), glove puppets, jointed puppets, and kitli bavalis (i.e., puppets made of bark or paper). Puppetry seems to have flourished in Karnataka especially from 12 to 16 century A.D. In the string puppets of Karnataka the form of the puppets, the costumes employed, the background music provided, the style of dancing used, etc. the Influence of the local variation of the art of Yaksagana is clearly discernible."
  • Source :Sangeet Natak Akademi
  • Type :Article
  • Received From :Sangeet Natak Akademi
DC Field Value Upadhyaya, K. S .
dc.coverage.spatial Karnataka 2017-07-05T22:20:28Z 2017-07-05T22:20:28Z 1990
dc.description.abstract "
Puppetry is one of the most ancient arts of the world. Puppetry was well known from of entertainment in India and China thousands of year ago, there are references to the art in the earliest writings of India including the Mahabharata. There is mention of a shadow-puppet play organized by a Han emperor in China in 121 B.C. This is the earliest evidence of the occurrence of puppetry in that country. There were four kinds of puppets in India-string puppets, rod puppets, leather puppets, and glove puppets. Karnataka had all four kinds of puppets. These four kinds in time evolved into seven different vanenes: string puppets, rod puppets, leather puppets (small-sized), leather puppets (large-sized), glove puppets, jointed puppets, and kitli bavalis (i.e., puppets made of bark or paper). Puppetry seems to have flourished in Karnataka especially from 12 to 16 century A.D. In the string puppets of Karnataka the form of the puppets, the costumes employed, the background music provided, the style of dancing used, etc. the Influence of the local variation of the art of Yaksagana is clearly discernible."
dc.source Sangeet Natak Akademi
dc.format.extent 5-14 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
dc.subject Puppet theater
dc.type Article
dc.identifier.issuenumber 98
dc.format.medium text


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