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Historiography of plant taxonomy in India

  • Author :Gupta, Niranjan
  • Keywords :Historiography
    Taxonomy, Plant
  • Issue Date :2012-07
  • Publisher :National Council of Science Museums, Kolkata
  • Description :India's tradition in science is not only ancient, but also very extensive and varied. The awareness of plant taxonomy existed in Indian subcontinent from the very beginning in ancient forms when knowledge of science used to be disseminated through the traditional way of oral narration. The seminal works in plant taxonomy can actually be traced back to ancient India.
    The study provides specific references to establish the fact that pursuit of plant taxonomy already existed in ancient India. Historic and literary evidences suggest that the science of classification and nomenclature of plant were already present in ancient India. It was the base of different branches of science like Herbal medicine, Anatomy, Physiology)', Agriculture etc.
    We have enough literary evidences which suggest that study of plant taxonomy originated in 250-200 BC. Theophrastus and Aristotle are the acknowledged names in this field. But historic evidences pinpoint that Parasara's Vriksayurveda is one of the oldest works on plant taxonomy. Rig-Veda, Manusmriti, Charak Samhita and Susuruta Samhitas substantiate wide culture and understanding of plant taxonomy in ancient India.
    These classifications are based on comparative morphology of plants. With this origin, we find that this branch has changed its form. The journey begins from herbs, shrubs, and trees and ends at oil yielding fibres. It started from the natural system, but finally culminated to artificial system and today, its base is phylogenetic or microscopic study. A lot of literary materials on the subject were available in ancient India, but several foreign attacks on India mostly destroyed them, leaving back only a few for our study.
  • Description :Includes bibliographical references.
  • Source :National Council of Science Museums
  • Type :Article
  • Received From :National Council of Science Museums
DC Field Value Gupta, Niranjan 2017-06-16T05:19:56Z 2017-06-16T05:19:56Z
dc.description Includes bibliographical references. 2012-07
dc.description.abstract India's tradition in science is not only ancient, but also very extensive and varied. The awareness of plant taxonomy existed in Indian subcontinent from the very beginning in ancient forms when knowledge of science used to be disseminated through the traditional way of oral narration. The seminal works in plant taxonomy can actually be traced back to ancient India.
The study provides specific references to establish the fact that pursuit of plant taxonomy already existed in ancient India. Historic and literary evidences suggest that the science of classification and nomenclature of plant were already present in ancient India. It was the base of different branches of science like Herbal medicine, Anatomy, Physiology)', Agriculture etc.
We have enough literary evidences which suggest that study of plant taxonomy originated in 250-200 BC. Theophrastus and Aristotle are the acknowledged names in this field. But historic evidences pinpoint that Parasara's Vriksayurveda is one of the oldest works on plant taxonomy. Rig-Veda, Manusmriti, Charak Samhita and Susuruta Samhitas substantiate wide culture and understanding of plant taxonomy in ancient India.
These classifications are based on comparative morphology of plants. With this origin, we find that this branch has changed its form. The journey begins from herbs, shrubs, and trees and ends at oil yielding fibres. It started from the natural system, but finally culminated to artificial system and today, its base is phylogenetic or microscopic study. A lot of literary materials on the subject were available in ancient India, but several foreign attacks on India mostly destroyed them, leaving back only a few for our study.
dc.source National Council of Science Museums
dc.format.extent 115-120p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher National Council of Science Museums, Kolkata
dc.subject Historiography
Taxonomy, Plant
dc.type Article
dc.identifier.issuenumber 2
dc.format.medium text


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