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The Geometric Analysis with a Chronological Order for the Basic Movements and Footwork used in Kathak

  • Author :Sandip Mallick
  • Issue Date :2017
  • Publisher :Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
  • Description :In this paper, the geometrical nature of Kathak dance form is studied and analysed.
  • Type :Performing arts
  • Received From :Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
DC Field Value Sandip Mallick 2017 2017
dc.description.abstract In this paper, the geometrical nature of Kathak dance form is studied and analysed.
dc.description.sponsorship Fellowship.CCRT
dc.format.extent 51,91,709 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
dc.type Performing arts


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