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Select Documents on Mahatma Gandhi's Movement in Champaran, No. 48

  • Author :W.B. Heycock, District Magistrate, Champaran
  • Issue Date :28th April 1917
  • Publisher :Internet Archive
  • Description :A letter from the District Magistrate of Champaran to the Commissioner of Tirhut Division, detailing the way in which inquiry is being conducted by Gandhiji and his co-workers.
  • Type :Correspondence
DC Field Value W.B. Heycock, District Magistrate, Champaran 28th April 1917
dc.description.abstract A letter from the District Magistrate of Champaran to the Commissioner of Tirhut Division, detailing the way in which inquiry is being conducted by Gandhiji and his co-workers.
dc.format.extent 2,95,053 bytes
dc.format.mimetype PDF
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Internet Archive
dc.type Correspondence


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