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Telugu drama and stage

  • Author :Rao, B.Kanakalingeswara
  • Keywords :Telugu drama
    Telugu literature
  • Issue Date :2004
  • Publisher :Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
  • Description :This paper is the comprehensive survey of the growth and development of Telugu stage and divide its subject under various heads. Drama and stage go band in hand often. In the first few pages of this paper, narrate the circumstances attendant on the growth and development of Telugu drama.
  • Source :Sangeet Natak Akademi
  • Type :Article
  • Received From :Sangeet Natak Akademi
DC Field Value Rao, B.Kanakalingeswara
dc.coverage.spatial Tamil Nadu 2017-07-11T23:01:10Z 2017-07-11T23:01:10Z 2004
dc.description.abstract This paper is the comprehensive survey of the growth and development of Telugu stage and divide its subject under various heads. Drama and stage go band in hand often. In the first few pages of this paper, narrate the circumstances attendant on the growth and development of Telugu drama.
dc.source Sangeet Natak Akademi
dc.format.extent 137-151 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
dc.subject Telugu drama
Telugu literature
dc.type Article
dc.identifier.issuenumber 3
dc.identifier.volumenumber 38
dc.format.medium text


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