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  • Keywords :Hindi literature
    Patriotic music
  • Description :100 differently abled children pay homage to their motherland by singing Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's Vandematram, The children who are not students of music, have sung with a full orchestra.
    Commemorating 100 years of the Jallianwala Bagh incident on the occasion of world music day, by 100 young Indians from different social backgrounds, bearing different abilities in salute to 1919
  • Source :Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre, Kolkata
  • Type :Video
  • Received From :Music
DC Field Value
dc.contributor Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre 2019-11-19T12:31:11Z 2019-11-19T12:31:11Z
dc.description 100 differently abled children pay homage to their motherland by singing Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's Vandematram, The children who are not students of music, have sung with a full orchestra.
Commemorating 100 years of the Jallianwala Bagh incident on the occasion of world music day, by 100 young Indians from different social backgrounds, bearing different abilities in salute to 1919
dc.source Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre, Kolkata
dc.format.mimetype text/html
dc.language.iso sa
dc.subject Hindi literature
Patriotic music
dc.type Video
dc.format.medium video
dc.contributor.director Sourendro-Soumyojit
dc.format.duration 00:04:15


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